
ForMAre offers various services such as

Design and
Technical Assistance

Technical and economic assistance for Development and Innovation projects on behalf of third parties through regional, national and European programming tools 

 Technical assistance for the presentation, management and monitoring of training plans promoted within the framework of Interprofessional Funds (Fondimpresa, Fondirigenti) and other instruments (Fondo Nuove Competenze, Formazione 4.0) 


Matching activities between skills and specific needs of the shipping sector 

Activities aimed at developing learning environments equipped with cutting-edge technical and technological instruments able to provide knowledge and skills responding to innovation needs 

Updating and professional retraining of maritime personnel to adapt professional skills to the regulatory, technological and organisational evolution of the companies also through the direct or indirect organisation of training courses in the sector 


Networking with public authorities and key stakeholders in the maritime industry by supporting R&D activities for new business models in shipping 

Creation and management of partnership networks at national, European and international level